Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New 3-D Map Shows Large Scale Structures in the Universe 9 Billion Years Ago

New 3-D Map Shows Large Scale Structures in the Universe 9 Billion Years Ago:

The FastSound project's 3D map of the large-scale structure of a region in the Universe about 4.7 billion years after the Big Bang. This area covers 2.5 times 3 degrees of the sky, with a radial distance spanning 12-14.5 billion light years in co-moving distance or 8-9.6 billion light years in light travel distance. Credit: NAOJ, SDSS, CFHT.
The FastSound project’s 3D map of the large-scale structure of a region in the Universe about 4.7 billion years after the Big Bang. This area covers 2.5 times 3 degrees of the sky, with a radial distance spanning 12-14.5 billion light years in co-moving distance or 8-9.6 billion light years in light travel distance. Credit: NAOJ, SDSS, CFHT.
I remember seeing the Hubble 3-D IMAX movie in 2010 and literally gasping when the view pulled back from zooming into distant stars and galaxies to show clusters and superclusters of galaxies interwoven like a web, creating the large scale structure of the Universe. In 3-D, the structure looks much like the DNA double helix or a backbone.
Now, looking back in time, a new project to map the Universe’s structure has created a 3-D map showing a portion of the Universe as it looked nine billion years ago. It shows numerous galaxies and interestingly, already-developed large-scale structure of filaments and voids made from galaxy groups.
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