Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Aurora over Clouds

Aurora over Clouds: APOD: 2015 November 24 - Aurora over Clouds

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 November 24

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Aurora over Clouds
Image Credit & Copyright: Daniele Boffelli
Explanation: Auroras usually occur high above the clouds. The auroral glow is created when fast-moving particles ejected from the Sun impact the Earth's magnetosphere, from which charged particles spiral along the Earth's magnetic field to strike atoms and molecules high in the Earth's atmosphere. An oxygen atom, for example, will glow in the green light commonly emitted by an aurora after being energized by such a collision. The lowest part of an aurora will typically occur at 100 kilometers up, while most clouds usually exist only below about 10 kilometers. The relative heights of clouds and auroras are shown clearly in the featured picture from Dyrholaey, Iceland. There, a determined astrophotographer withstood high winds and initially overcast skies in an attempt to capture aurora over a picturesque lighthouse, only to take, by chance, the featured picture along the way.

Tomorrow's picture: pluto's pits

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.

Catch This Season’s ‘Other’ Comet: S2 PanSTARRS

Catch This Season’s ‘Other’ Comet: S2 PanSTARRS:

Comet C/2014 S2 PanSTARRS, imaged on October 10th, 2015. Image credit and copyright: Tom Wildoner

Now is the time to catch binocular Comet C/2014 S2 PanSTARRS, as it tops +8 magnitude ahead of predictions this month and crosses circumpolar northern skies. Will this Christmas comet stay bright post-perihelion, rivaling other comets into early 2016? 

How 'bout Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina, huh? The comet took center stage early this month, as it broke +7 magnitude in brightness, experienced a tail disconnection event, and grouped with Venus and the waning crescent Moon in the dawn sky.

Expect comet US10 Catalina to remain a fine binocular object kicking off 2016, reminiscent of the binocular comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy from just this past winter. But there's another comet for northern hemisphere residents currently performing above expectations. Comet C/2014 S2 PanSTARRS is the comet you most likely aren't watching, but should be. The comet has recently brightened ahead of expectations to +8th magnitude, and may top out in the coming weeks at +7th magnitude post-perihelion.

Comet S2 PanSTARRS reached perihelion 2.1 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun just last week on December 9th, 2015. Discovered on September 22nd, 2014 by the prolific PanSTARRS 1 survey based atop mount Haleakala on Maui in Hawaii, S2 PanSTARRS is on an estimated 2,217 year orbit, inclined at a steep angle of 65 degrees relative to the ecliptic and the general plane of the solar system. This makes for its current residency in the realm of the northern celestial pole, and the comet remains circumpolar above latitude 30 degrees north for the duration of this apparition, crossing for the constellation Draco in late 2015 into the constellation Ursa Minor in early 2016.

We get a handful of binocular comets each year, faint fuzzies looking like unresolved globular clusters. Such a passage would've went unrecorded in pre-telescopic times, and hunting for comets the likes of S2 PanSTARRS partly inspired Charles Messier to make his first and famous deep sky catalog, marking the celestial skies for comet hunters as if to say 'here be cometary impostors...'

But Comet S2 PanSTARRS won't stay bright for long.

Here's the run down over the next few months of key astronomical dates with destiny for this fleeting comet. The Full and New Moon phases are also denoted, marking weeks favoring dark vs light-polluted skies.

-December 25th: The Moon reaches Full.

-December 31st: Stationary in its apparent motion, before appearing to reverse direction to the northeast.

-January 1st: Tops out in brightness at +7th mag?

-January 10th: New Moon.

-January 22nd: 20 degrees from Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina crossing through the constellation Draco.

-January 24th: Passes less than one degree from the +4.8 magnitude star 18 Draconis.

-January 24th: Full Moon.

-February 8th: New Moon.

-February 20th: Passes into the constellation Ursa Minor.

-February 22nd: Full Moon.

-February 27th: Closest Earth approach, at 1.83 AU distant. Moving at a maximum apparent speed of 30' (half a degree, about the angular size of a Full Moon) per day.

-February 27th: Passes just over one degree from the +3 magnitude star Pherkad (Gamma Ursae Minoris).

-February 29th: Reaches its most northerly point, at a declination 71 degrees north, just 19 degrees from the northern celestial pole.

-March 1: Drops back below +10 magnitude?

-March 9th: New Moon.

-March 18th: Crosses back into the constellation Draco.

The best time to catch Comet S2 PanSTARRS over the next few months is in the early morning hours. From latitude 30 north, the comet sits 23 degrees above the NNE horizon around 5AM local on Christmas Day; the farther north you go, the higher the comet will be above the horizon.

In binoculars or a small telescope, expect comet S2 PanSTARRS to appear as a fuzzy indistinct 'star,' which stubbornly refuses to snap into focus, like an unresolved globular. I would show off S2 PanSTARRS at a public star party under dark skies. When it comes to comets, brighter +10th magnitude triggers our 'is interesting, worthy of note for skilled observers' alarm.

A caveat is in order; expect any given comet to appear visually fainter than a star of the same quoted brightness. As with deep sky objects, said brightness is smeared out over the expanse of the comet, giving it an overall lower surface brightness appearance for the viewer.

And now for the wow factor: the last time comet S2 PanSTARRS passed Earth in the 3rd century BC, Carthage was battling an upstart Rome during the first Punic Wars. The comet very likely passed through the inner solar system unnoticed and unrecorded, as it was never a naked eye object. The comet's next pass through the inner solar system is out around 4232 AD, give or take a year...

Along with US10 Catalina and comet 2013 X1 PanSTARRS, expect S2 PanSTARRS to join the ranks of binocular 2016 comets... more to come on that soon.

Remember, the next 'Great Comet' could swing through the inner solar system at any time... and we're definitely due!

  • CASA DE ORAÇÃO - Esta determinado que o mal saia de nossas vidas e recebamos as bênçãos do Senhor !

The Great Orion Nebula M42

The Great Orion Nebula M42:

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 November 4

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.
Explanation: The Great Nebula in Orion, also known as M42, is one of the most famous nebulas in the sky. The star forming region's glowing gas clouds and hot young stars are on the right in this sharp and colorful image that includes the bluish reflection nebulae NGC 1977 and friends on the left. Located at the edge of an otherwise invisible giant molecular cloud complex, these eye-catching nebulas represent only a small fraction of this galactic neighborhood's wealth of interstellar material. Within the well-studied stellar nursery, astronomers have also identified what appear to be numerous infant planetary systems. The gorgeous skyscape spans nearly two degrees or about 45 light-years at the Orion Nebula's estimated distance of 1,500 light-years.

Enceladus: Ringside Water World

Enceladus: Ringside Water World: APOD: 2015 December 3 - Enceladus: Ringside Water World

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 3

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Enceladus: Ringside Water World
Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Saturn's icy moon Enceladus poses above the gas giant's icy rings in this Cassini spacecraft image. The dramatic scene was captured on July 29, while Cassini cruised just below the ring plane, its cameras looking back in a nearly sunward direction about 1 million kilometers from the moon's bright crescent. At 500 kilometers in diameter, Enceladus is a surprisingly active moon though, its remarkable south polar geysers are visible venting beyond a dark southern limb. In fact, data collected during Cassini's flybys and years of images have recently revealed the presence of a global ocean of liquid water beneath this moon's icy crust. Demonstrating the tantalizing liquid layer's global extent, the careful analysis indicates surface and core are not rigidly connected, with Enceladus rocking slightly back and forth in its orbit.

Tomorrow's picture: bubble and crescent

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.

The Brightest Spot on Ceres

The Brightest Spot on Ceres: APOD: 2015 December 11 - The Brightest Spot on Ceres

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 11

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

The Brightest Spot on Ceres
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, UCLA, MPS/DLR/IDA
Explanation: Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the Solar System's main asteroid belt with a diameter of about 950 kilometers. Exploring Ceres from orbit since March, the Dawn spacecraft's camera has revealed about 130 or so mysterious bright spots, mostly associated with impact craters scattered around the small world's otherwise dark surface. The brightest one is near the center of the 90 kilometer wide Occator Crater, seen in this dramatic false color view combining near-infrared and visible light image data. A study now finds the bright spot's reflected light properties are probably most consistent with a type of magnesium sulfate called hexahydrite. Of course, magnesium sulfate is also known to Earth dwellers as epsom salt. Haze reported inside Occator also suggests the salty material could be left over as a mix of salt and water-ice sublimates on the surface. Since impacts would have exposed the material, Ceres' numerous and widely scattered bright spots may indicate the presence of a subsurface shell of ice-salt mix. In mid-December, Dawn will begin taking observations from its closest Ceres mapping orbit.

Tomorrow's picture: light-weekend

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.

Comet Meets Moon and Morning Star

Comet Meets Moon and Morning Star: APOD: 2015 December 12 - Comet Meets Moon and Morning Star

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 12

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Comet Meets Moon and Morning Star
Image Credit & Copyright: Greg Hogan
Explanation: A crescent Moon and brilliant Venus met in predawn skies on December 7, a beautiful conjunction of planet Earth's two brightest celestial beacons after the Sun. Harder to see but also on the scene was Comet Catalina (C/2013 US10). The fainter comet clearly sporting two tails, lunar night side, bright sunlit lunar crescent, and brilliant morning star, are all recorded here by combining short and long exposures of the same field of view. Pointing down and right, Catalina's dust tail tends to trail behind the comet's orbit. Its ion tail, angled toward the top left of the frame, is blowing away from the Sun. Discovered in 2013, the new visitor from the Oort cloud was closest to the Sun on November 15 and is now outbound, headed for its closest approach to Earth in mid-January.

Watch: The Geminids
Tomorrow's picture: radiant meteor shower

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.

How Long is a Day on Mars?

How Long is a Day on Mars?:

Artist's conception of Mars, with asteroids nearby. Credit: NASA

Mars represents something of a conundrum for scientists. In many respects, it is significantly different from Earth. It's cold, it's dry, there is little  atmosphere or precipitation to speak of, and nothing grows there. By our standards, that makes it an incredibly inhospitable place. And yet, in many other respects, it is quite similar to our world.

For instance, Mars' internal structure is differentiated between a metallic core and a silicate mantle and crust. It also has plenty of water, though the majority of it is concentrated in the polar regions as water ice (and as a permanent layer of permafrost under much of the surface). But perhaps most striking of all, a day on Mars is almost the same as a day here on Earth.

In fact, a day on Mars is roughly 40 minutes longer than a day is here on Earth. Compared to other bodies in our Solar System where a day is either incredibly short (Jupiter's rotates once on its axis every 9 hours, 55 minutes and 29.69 seconds) or incredibly long (a day on Venus lasts for 116 days and 18 hours), this similarity is quite astounding.

However, there are some things that need to be addressed before we go about declaring just how long a day is on another planet. In fact, there are two ways to determine the length of a day on a celestial body, the sidereal day and the solar day; both of which are used by astronomers for determining the passage on time.

Sidereal vs. Solar:
By definition, a sidereal day on Mars is the length of time that it takes the planet to rotate once on its axis so that stars appear in the same place in the night sky. On Earth, this takes exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. In comparison, on Mars, a sidereal day lasts 24 hours, 37 minutes, and 22 seconds.


The solar day, by contrast, is the time it takes for the Earth to rotate on its axis so that the Sun appears in the same position in the sky. This position changes slightly each day, but on Earth, a mean solar day works out to being 24 hours long. On Mars, a solar day lasts 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds. Rounding that out, we say that a day here on Earth works out to an even 24 hours while on Mars, a day lasts 24 hours and 40 minutes.

Want to know about some other interesting similarities Mars has with Earth? Read on!

Seasonal Changes:
Mars also has a seasonal cycle that is similar to that of Earth's. This is due in part to the fact that Mars also has a tilted axis, which is inclined 25.19° to its orbital plane (compared to Earth's axial tilt of approx. 23.44°). It's also due to Mars orbital eccentricity, which mean that it ranges in distance from 206.7  million to 249.2 million kilometers from the Sun.

This change in distance causes significant variations in temperature. While the planet’s average temperature is -46 °C (51 °F), this ranges from a low of -143 °C (-225.4 °F) during the winter at the poles to a high of 35 °C (95 °F) during summer and midday at the equator. This high in temperatures is what allows for liquid water to still flow, albeit intermittently, on the surface of Mars.

It also snows on Mars. In 2008, NASA's Phoenix Lander found water ice in the polar regions of the planet. This was an expected finding, but scientists were not prepared to observe snow falling from clouds. The snow, combined with soil chemistry experiments, led scientists to believe that the landing site had a wetter and warmer climate in the past.

And then in 2012, data obtained by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter revealed that carbon-dioxide snowfalls occur in the southern polar region of Mars. For decades, scientists have known that carbon-dioxide ice is a permanent part of Mars’ seasonal cycle and exists in the southern polar caps. But this was the first time that such a phenomena was detected, and it remains the only known example of carbon-dioxide snow falling anywhere in our solar system.

In addition, recent surveys conducted by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Mars Science Laboratory, the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) and the Opportunity and Curiosity Rovers have revealed some startling things about Mars' deep past.

For starters, soil samples and orbital observation have demonstrated conclusively that roughly 3.7 billion years ago, the planet had more water on its surface than is currently in the Atlantic Ocean. Similarly, atmospheric studies conducted on the surface and from space have proven that Mars also had a viable atmosphere at that time, one which was slowly stripped away by solar wind.

Weather Patterns:
Like Earth, Mars can have some pretty extreme weather. In the Red Planet's case, this takes the form of dust storms that can dominated the surface from time to time. These storms have been known to grow to be thousands of kilometers across, occasionally encircling the entire planet and covering everything in a thick haze of dust. When these storms become that large, they prevent direct observation of the Martian surface.


Case in point: when the Mariner 9 orbiter became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars in 1971, it sent pictures back to Earth of a world consumed in haze. The entire planet was covered by a dust storm so massive that only Olympus Mons, the giant Martian volcano that measures 24 km high, could be seen above the clouds. This storm lasted for a full month, and delayed Mariner 9's attempts to photograph the planet in detail.

And then on June 9th, 2001, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted a dust storm in the Hellas Basin on Mars. By July, the storm had died down, but then grew again to become the largest storm in 25 years. So big was the storm that amateur astronomers using small telescopes were able to see it from Earth. And the cloud raised the temperature of the frigid Martian atmosphere by a stunning 30° Celsius.

Therein lies another thing Mars has in common with Earth - global warming! Much like warming trends here on Earth, warming on Mars is caused by the presence of particulate matter in the air that absorbs energy from the Sun and radiates it outward into the atmosphere. causing average temperatures to rise.

These storms tend to occur when Mars is closest to the Sun, and are the result of temperatures rising and triggering changes in the air and soil. As the soil dries, it becomes more easily picked up by air currents, which are caused by pressure changes due to increased heat. The dust storms cause temperatures to rise even further, so you could say Mars has a "greenhouse effect" of its own!


As you have probably concluded from all the facts listed above, Mars can be a harsh and volatile planet. Just knowing the answer to ''how long is a day on Mars?'' only provides a small glimpse of what is going on there. At the end of the day (no pun intended!) there is plenty happening on Mars that makes it similar enough to Earth that many people are actually contemplating living there someday. And knowing exactly what sets Mars apart, and what we can work with, will be intrinsic to making that happen!

We have written many interesting articles about Mars here at Universe Today. Here's one about Mars Compared to Earth, the time it takes to get to Mars, how strong the gravity is on Mars, and how many moons Mars has.

Want more information? Learn about living on Mars time, which can you do by consulting NASA's clock for calculating Martian time.

Finally, if you'd like to learn more about Mars in general, Astronomy Cast has some episodes about the Red Planet, like Episode 52: Mars, and Episode 91: The Search for Water on Mars.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

How Does The Sun Produce Energy?

How Does The Sun Produce Energy?:

The Sun provides energy for life here on Earth through light and heat. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

There is a reason life that Earth is the only place in the Solar System where life is known to be able to live and thrive. Granted, scientists believe that there may be microbial or even aquatic life forms living beneath the icy surfaces of Europa and Enceladus, or in the methane lakes on Titan. But for the time being, Earth remains the only place that we know of that has all the right conditions for life to exist.

One of the reasons for this is because the Earth lies within our Sun's Habitable Zone (aka. "Goldilocks Zone"). This means that it is in right spot (neither too close nor too far) to receive the Sun's abundant energy, which includes the light and heat that is essential for chemical reactions. But how exactly does our Sun go about producing this energy? What steps are involved, and how does it get to us here on planet Earth?

The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity - which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.

Technically known as nuclear fusion, this process releases an incredible amount of energy in the form of light and heat. But getting that energy from the center of our Sun all the way out to planet Earth and beyond involves a couple of crucial steps. In the end, it all comes down to the Sun's layers, and the role each of them plays in making sure that solar energy gets to where it can help create and sustain life.


The Core:
The core of the Sun is the region that extends from the center to about 20–25% of the solar radius. It is here, in the core, where energy is produced by hydrogen atoms (H) being converted into molecules of helium (He). This is possible thanks to the extreme pressure and temperature that exists within the core, which are estimated to be the equivalent of 250 billion atmospheres (25.33 trillion KPa) and 15.7 million kelvin, respectively.

The net result is the fusion of four protons (hydrogen molecules) into one alpha particle - two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle that is identical to a helium nucleus. Two positrons are released from this process, as well as two neutrinos (which changes two of the protons into neutrons), and energy.

The core is the only part of the Sun that produces an appreciable amount of heat through fusion. In fact, 99% of the energy produced by the Sun takes place within 24% of the Sun's radius. By 30% of the radius, fusion has stopped almost entirely. The rest of the Sun is heated by the energy that is transferred from the core through the successive layers, eventually reaching the solar photosphere and escaping into space as sunlight or the kinetic energy of particles.

The Sun releases energy at a mass–energy conversion rate of 4.26 million metric tons per second, which produces the equivalent of 38,460 septillion watts (3.846×1026 W) per second. To put that in perspective, this is the equivalent of about 9.192×1010 megatons of TNT per second, or 1,820,000,000 Tsar Bombas - the most powerful thermonuclear bomb ever built!

Radiative Zone:
This is the zone immediately next to the core, which extends out to about 0.7 solar radii. There is no thermal convection in this layer, but solar material in this layer is hot and dense enough that thermal radiation is all that is needed to transfer the intense heat generated in the core outward. Basically, this involves ions of hydrogen and helium emitting photons that travel a short distance before being reabsorbed by other ions.

Temperatures drop in this layer, going from approximately 7 million kelvin closer to the core to 2 million at the boundary with the convective zone. Density also drops in this layer a hundredfold from 0.25 solar radii to the top of the radiative zone, going from 20 g/cm³ closest to the core to just 0.2 g/cm³ at the upper boundary.

Convective Zone:
This is the Sun's outer layer, which accounts for everything beyond 70% of the inner solar radius (or from the surface to approx. 200,000 km below). Here, the temperature is lower than in the radiative zone and heavier atoms are not fully ionized. As a result, radiative heat transport is less effective, and the density of the plasma is low enough to allow convective currents to develop.

Because of this, rising thermal cells carry the majority of the heat outward to the Sun's photosphere. Once these cells rise to just below the photospheric surface, their material cools, causing their density increases. This forces them to sink to the base of the convection zone again - where they pick up more heat and the convective cycle continues.

At the surface of the Sun, the temperature drops to about 5,700 K. The turbulent convection of this layer of the Sun is also what causes an effect that produces magnetic north and south poles all over the surface of the Sun.

It is also on this layer that sunspots occur, which appear as dark patches compared to the surrounding region. These spots correspond to concentrations in the magnetic flux field that inhibit convection and cause regions on the surface to drop in temperature to compared to the surrounding material.

Lastly, there is the photosphere, the visible surface of the Sun. It is here that the sunlight and heat that are radiated and convected to the surface propagate out into space. Temperatures in the layer range between 4,500 and 6,000 K (4,230 - 5,730 °C; 7646 - 10346 °F). Because the upper part of the photosphere is cooler than the lower part, an image of the Sun appears brighter in the center than on the edge or limb of the solar disk, in a phenomenon known as limb darkening.

The photosphere is tens to hundreds of kilometers thick, and is also the region of the Sun where it becomes opaque to visible light. The reasons for this is because of the decreasing amount of negatively charged Hydrogen ions (H-), which absorb visible light easily. Conversely, the visible light we see is produced as electrons react with hydrogen atoms to produce H- ions.

The energy emitted from the photosphere then propagates through space and reaches Earth's atmosphere and the other planets of the Solar System.  Here on Earth, the upper layer of the atmosphere (the ozone layer) filters much of the Sun's ultra-violet (UV) radiation, but passes some onto the surface. The energy that received is then absorbed by the Earth's air and crust, heating our planet and providing organisms with a source of energy.

The Sun is at the center of biological and chemical processes here on Earth. Without it, the life cycle of plants and animals would end, the circadian rhythms of all terrestrial creatures would be disrupted; and in time, all life on Earth would cease to exist. The Sun's importance has been recognized since prehistoric times, with many cultures viewing it as a deity (more often than not, as the chief deity in their pantheons).

But it is only in the past few centuries that the processes that power the Sun have come to be understood. Thanks to ongoing research by physicists, astronomers and biologists, we are now able to grasp how the Sun goes about producing energy, and how it passes that on to our Solar System. The study of the known universe, with its diversity of star systems and exoplanets - has also helped us to draw comparisons with other types of stars.

We have written many articles about the Sun and Solar Energy for Universe Today. Here is What Color is the Sun?How Far is Earth from the Sun?, some Interesting Facts About the Sun, and one about the Characteristic of the Sun.

For those who are interesting in the truly speculative and futuristic, here's Could We Terraform The Sun?, and Harvesting Solar Power from Space.

For more information, check out NASA's Solar System Exploration Guide on the Sun, and here's a link to the SOHO mission homepage, which has the latest images from the Sun.

Astronomy Cast also has some interesting episodes about the Sun. Listen here, Episode 30: The Sun, Spots and All, and Episode 320: Layers of the Sun.

Dawn Spacecraft Unraveling Mysteries of Ceres Intriguing Bright Spots as Sublimating Salt Water Residues

Dawn Spacecraft Unraveling Mysteries of Ceres Intriguing Bright Spots as Sublimating Salt Water Residues:

This representation of Ceres' Occator Crater in false colors shows differences in the surface composition. Occator measures about 60 miles (90 kilometers) wide. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

With NASA’s Dawn spacecraft set to enter its final and lowest orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres, spectral measurements are enabling researchers to gradually unravel the nature of the numerous mysterious and intriguing bright spots recently discovered and now conclude that briny mixtures of ice and salts apparently reside just beneath certain patches of the pockmarked surface and that “water is sublimating” from the surface of an “active crater”.

Indeed, excited scientists report that high resolution images and spectra from Dawn indicate that Ceres is an active world even today, according to a pair of newly published scientific papers in the journal Nature.

Ceres occupies a very ”unique niche” unlike any other world in our Solar System with “occasional water leakage on to the surface,” Dawn Principal Investigator Chris Russell told Universe Today.

Orbital measurements from the probes Framing camera reveal that the bright areas likely contain hydrated magnesium sulphates, a class of mineral salts found inside the brightest spot on Ceres, namely Occator crater - which are the salt-rich leftover residues from water evaporation.

The newly released results also show evidence of a diffuse haze of water vapor above Occator crater, which appears to be among the youngest features on Ceres, as well as at a second region at Oxo crater.

The Cerean haze is formed by the warming effects of sunlight shining on the hydrated salts inside the crater. The salts were exposed by past impacts of asteroids all across Ceres. The haze could be comprised of “condensed-ice or dust particles.”

“The Occator crater on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is active: data from NASA’s Dawn mission indicate water sublimating from its center,” say Dawn researchers in a statement.


Video caption: Ceres Rotation and Occator Crater. Dwarf planet Ceres is shown in these false-color renderings, which highlight differences in surface materials. Images from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft were used to create a movie of Ceres rotating, followed by a flyover view of Occator Crater, home of Ceres’ brightest area. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

“Of particular interest is a bright pit on the floor of crater Occator that exhibits probable sublimation of water ice, producing haze clouds inside the crater that appear and disappear with a diurnal rhythm. Slow-moving condensed-ice or dust particles9, 10 may explain this haze,” write the authors in the Nature paper.

Occator is the brightest of more than 130 strikingly bright patches spread across the Texas-sized world, which ranks as the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It has an average diameter is 584 miles (940 kilometers).

NASA says Occator is a rather new impact crater, formed by an asteroid impact as recently as only 70 million years.

“The most plausible interpretation of our results is that there is a mixture of ice and salts under at least some parts of Ceres’ surface,” says lead study author Andreas Nathues of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany, in a statement.

“This material could be exposed by the impacts of medium-sized asteroids. The ice gradually evaporates until only salts and phyllosilicates are left.”

The mysterious bright spots inside Occator crater - looking somewhat like a pair of alien eyes - were only discovered earlier this year as NASA’s Dawn orbiter was on its final approach to Ceres.

Occator measures about 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers) deep. It also features a central pit “covered by this bright material, that measures about 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide and 0.3 miles (0.5 kilometers) deep. Dark streaks, possibly fractures, traverse the pit. Remnants of a central peak, which was up to 0.3 miles (0.5 kilometers) high, can also be seen,” say officials.

Prior to entering orbit on March 6, 2015, scientists speculated that Ceres might harbor a subsurface ocean of liquid water that could be hospitable to life.

Now with new data in hand, the presence of a large subsurface ocean of liquid water or water ice appears ever more likely.

"The global nature of Ceres' bright spots suggests that this world has a subsurface layer that contains briny water-ice," noted Nathues, who is also lead investigator of the Framing camera team.

The bright spots of Occator have captivated popular imaginations worldwide even as scientists struggled mightily, until recently, to explain what they really are.

Possible explanations ranging from frozen ices, salts and cryovolcanoes have been proposed for the past year as researchers sought to gather measurements explaining their elusive cause.

“We are currently probably seeing remnants of an evaporation process exhibiting different stages in different locations. Perhaps we are witnessing the last phase of a formerly more active period”, says Nathues.

To date, there has been no unambiguous detection of water ice on the surface of Ceres.
“Occasional water leakage on to the surface could leave salt there as the water would sublime,” Prof. Chris Russell, Dawn principal investigator told Universe Today recently in an exclusive.

“The big picture that is emerging is that Ceres fills a unique niche.”

“Ceres fills a unique niche between the cold icy bodies of the outer solar system, with their rock hard icy surfaces, and the water planets Mars and Earth that can support ice and water on their surfaces,” Russell, of the University of California, Los Angeles, told me.

On Oct. 23, Dawn began a seven-week-long dive that uses ion thruster #2 to reduce the spacecrafts vantage point from 915 miles (1,470 kilometers) at the High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) down to less than 235 miles (380 kilometers) above Ceres at the Low Altitude Mapping Orbit (LAMO).

Dawn is slated to arrive at LAMO by mid-December, just in time to begin delivering long awaited Christmas treats.

Dawn is Earth’s first probe in human history to explore any dwarf planet, the first to explore Ceres up close and the first to orbit two celestial bodies.

The asteroid Vesta was Dawn’s first orbital target where it conducted extensive observations of the bizarre world for over a year in 2011 and 2012.

The mission is expected to last until at least March 2016, and possibly longer, depending upon fuel reserves.

“It will end some time between March and December,” Dr. Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief engineer and mission director based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, told Universe Today.

Stay tuned here for Ken's continuing Earth and planetary science and human spaceflight news.

Ken Kremer

10 Interesting Facts About Neptune

10 Interesting Facts About Neptune:

Reconstruction of Voyager 2 images showing the Great Black spot (top left), Scooter (middle), and the Small Black Spot (lower right). Credit: NASA/JPL

Neptune is a truly fascinating world. But as it is, there is much that people don't know about it. Perhaps it is because Neptune is the most distant planet from our Sun, or because so few exploratory missions have ventured that far out into our Solar System. But regardless of the reason, Neptune is a gas (and ice) giant that is full of wonder!

Below, we have compiled a list of 10 interesting facts about this planet. Some of them, you might already know. But others are sure to surprise and maybe even astound you. Enjoy!

1. Neptune is the most distant planet:
This may sound like a pretty simple statement, but it's actually rather complicated. When it was first discovered by in 1846, Neptune became the most distant planet in the Solar System. But then in 1930, Pluto was discovered, and Neptune became the second-most distant planet. But Pluto's orbit is very elliptical; and so there are periods when Pluto actually orbits closer to the Sun than Neptune. The last time this happened was in 1979, which lasted until 1999. During that period, Neptune was again the most distant planet.

Then, at the XXVIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union - which took place between Aug 14th and 25th, 2006, in Prague - the issue of which was the most distant planet was visited once again. Confronted with the discovery of many Pluto-sized bodies in the Kuiper Belt - i.e. Eris, Haumea, Sedna and Makemake - and the ongoing case of Ceres, the IAU decided it was time to work out a clear definition of what a planet was.


In what would prove to be a very controversial decision, the IAU's passed a resolution which defined a planet as “a celestial body orbiting a star that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity but has not cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals and is not a satellite. More explicitly, it has to have sufficient mass to overcome its compressive strength and achieve hydrostatic equilibrium.”

As a result of this, Pluto was "demoted" from the status of planet and thereafter defined as a "dwarf planet" instead. And so, Neptune has once again become the most distant planet. At least for now...

2. Neptune is the smallest of the gas giants:
With an equatorial radius of only 24,764 km, Neptune is smaller than all the other gas giants in the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. But here's the funny thing: Neptune is actually more massive than Uranus by about 18%. Since it's smaller but more massive, Neptune has  a much higher  density than Uranus. In fact, at 1.638 g/cm3, Neptune is the densest gas giant in the Solar System.

3. Neptune's surface gravity is almost Earth-like:
Neptune is a ball of gas and ice, probably with a rocky core. There's no way you could actually stand on the surface of Neptune without just sinking in. However, if you could stand on the surface of Neptune, you would notice something amazing. The force of gravity pulling you down is almost exactly the same as the force of gravity you feel walking here on Earth.


The gravity of Neptune is only 17% stronger than Earth gravity. That's actually the closest to Earth gravity (one g) in the Solar System. Neptune has 17 times the mass of Earth, but also has almost 4 times larger. This means its greater mass is spread out over a larger volume, and down at the surface, the pull of gravity would be almost identical. Except for the part where you wouldn't stop sinking!

4. The discovery of Neptune is still a controversy:
The first person to have seen Neptune was likely Galileo, who marked it as a star in one of his drawings. However, since he did not identify it as a planet, he is not credited with the discovery. That credit goes to French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier and the English mathematician John Couch Adams, both of whom predicted that a new planet - known as Planet X - would be discovered in a specific region of the sky.

When astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle actually found the planet in 1846, both mathematicians took credit for the discovery. English and French astronomers battled over who made the discovery first, and there are still defenders of each claim to this day. Today, the consensus among astronomers is that Le Verrier and Adams deserve equal credit for the discovery.

5. Neptune has the strongest winds in the Solar System:
Think a hurricane is scary? Imagine a hurricane with winds that go up to 2,100 km/hour. As you can probably imagine, scientists are puzzled how an icy cold planet like Neptune can get its cloud tops t0 move so fast. One idea is that the cold temperatures and the flow of fluid gasses in the planet's atmosphere might reduce friction to the point that it's easy to generate winds that move so quickly.


6. Neptune is the coldest planet in the Solar System:
At the top of its clouds, temperatures on Neptune can dip down to 51.7 Kelvin, or -221.45 degrees Celsius (-366.6 °F). That's over twice the freezing point of water, which means that an unprotected human being would flash freeze in a second! Pluto gets colder, experiencing temperatures as low as 33 K (?240 °C/-400 °F). But then again, Pluto isn't a planet any more (remember?)

7. Neptune has rings:
When people think of ring systems, Saturn is usually the planet that comes to mind. But would it surprise you to know that Neptune has a ring system as well? Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to observe compared to Saturn's bright, bold ring; which is why it is not so well-recognized. In total, Neptune has five rings, all of which are named after astronomers who made important discoveries about Neptune - Galle, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago, and Adams.

These rings are composed of at least 20% dust (with some containing as much as 70%) which are micrometer-sized, similar to the particles that make up the rings of Jupiter. The rest of the ring materials consists of small rocks. The planet’s rings are difficult to see because they are dark, which is likely due to the presence of organic compounds that have been altered due to exposition to cosmic radiation. This is similar to the rings of Uranus, but very different than the icy rings around Saturn.

It’s believed that the rings of Neptune are relatively young – much younger than the age of the Solar System, and much younger than the age of Uranus’ rings. Consistent with the theory that Triton was a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) that was seized by Neptune’s gravity (see below), they are believed to be the result of a collision between some of the planet’s original moons.



8. Neptune probably captured its largest moon, Triton:
Neptune's largest Moon, Triton, circles Neptune in a retrograde orbit. That's means that it orbits the planet backwards relative to Neptune's other moons. This is seen as an indication that Neptune probably captured Triton - i.e. the moon didn't form in place like the rest of Neptune's moons. Triton is locked into a synchronous rotation with Neptune, and is slowly spiraling inward towards the planet.

At some point, billions of years from now, Triton will likely will be torn apart by Neptune's gravitational forces and become a magnificent ring around the planet. This ring will be pulled inward and crash into the planet. It is too bad that such an event will be happening so very long from now, because it would be amazing to watch!

9. Neptune has only been visited once up close:
The only spacecraft that has ever visited Neptune was NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft, which visited the planet during its Grand Tour of the Solar System. Voyager 2 made its Neptune flyby on August 25, 1989, passing within 3,000 km of the planet's north pole. This was the closest approach to any object that Voyager 2 made since it was launched from Earth.

During its flyby, Voyager 2 studied Neptune's atmosphere, its rings, magnetosphere, and also conduct a close flyby of Triton. Voyager 2 also viewed Neptune's "Great Dark Spot", the rotating storm system which has since disappeared, according to observations by the Hubble Space Telescope. Originally thought to be a large cloud itself, the information gathered by Voyager helped to shed light on the true nature of this phenomenon.


10. There are no plans to visit Neptune again:
Voyager 2's amazing photographs of Neptune might be all we get for decades, as there are no firm plans to return to the Neptune system.  However, a possible Flagship Mission has been envisioned by NASA to take place sometime during the late 2020s or early 2030s. For example, in 2003, NASA announced tentative plans to send a new Cassini-Huygens-style mission to Neptune, called the Neptune Orbiter.

Also described as a "Neptune Orbiter with Probes", this spacecraft had a proposed launch date of 2016, and would arriving around Neptune by 2030. The proposed mission would go into orbit around the planet and study its weather, magnetosphere, ring system and moons. However, no information on this project has been forthcoming in recent years and it appears to have been scrapped.

Another, more recent proposal by NASA was for Argo - a flyby spacecraft that would be launched in 2019, which would visit Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and a Kuiper belt object. The focus would be on Neptune and its largest moon Triton, which would be investigated around 2029.

And these are just of the things that make Neptune such a fascinating planet, and one that is worthy of study. One can only hope that future missions will be launched to the outer Solar System that will be able to dig deeper into its many mysteries.

We have many interesting articles about Neptune here at Universe Today. Here is one about the Rings of Neptune, the Moons of Neptune, Who Discovered Neptune?, and Are There Oceans on Neptune?

If you'd like more information on Neptune, take a look at Hubblesite's News Releases about Neptune, and here's a link to NASA's Solar System Exploration Guide to Neptune.

Astronomy Cast has some interesting episodes about Neptune. You can listen here, Episode 63: Neptune and Episode 199: The Voyager Program.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent

Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent: APOD: 2015 December 4 - Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 4

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent
Image Credit & Copyright: Ivan Eder
Explanation: These clouds of gas and dust drift through rich star fields along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the high flying constellation Cygnus. Caught within the telescopic field of view are the Soap Bubble (lower left) and the Crescent Nebula (upper right). Both were formed at a final phase in the life of a star. Also known as NGC 6888, the Crescent was shaped as its bright, central massive Wolf-Rayet star, WR 136, shed its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind. Burning through fuel at a prodigious rate, WR 136 is near the end of a short life that should finish in a spectacular supernova explosion. recently discovered Soap Bubble Nebula is likely a planetary nebula, the final shroud of a lower mass, long-lived, sun-like star destined to become a slowly cooling white dwarf. While both are some 5,000 light-years or so distant, the larger Crescent Nebula is around 25 light-years across.

Tomorrow's picture: exo-orrery

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
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Comet Catalina Emerges

Comet Catalina Emerges:

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 7

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.
Explanation: Comet Catalina is ready for its close-up. The giant snowball from the outer Solar System, known formally as C/2013 US10 (Catalina), rounded the Sun last month and is now headed for its closest approach to Earth in January. With the glow of the Moon now also out of the way, morning observers in Earth's northern hemisphere are getting their best ever view of the new comet. And Comet Catalina is not disappointing. Although not as bright as early predictions, the comet is sporting both dust (lower left) and ion (upper right) tails, making it an impressive object for binoculars and long-exposure cameras. The featured image was taken last week from the Canary Islands, off the northwest coast of Africa. Sky enthusiasts around the world will surely be tracking the comet over the next few months to see how it evolves.

Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble: APOD: 2015 December 9 - Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 9

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Space Telescope; Processing: Douglas Gardner
Explanation: This dance is to the death. Along the way, as these two large galaxies duel, a cosmic bridge of stars, gas, and dust currently stretches over 75,000 light-years and joins them. The bridge itself is strong evidence that these two immense star systems have passed close to each other and experienced violent tides induced by mutual gravity. As further evidence, the face-on spiral galaxy on the right, also known as NGC 3808A, exhibits many young blue star clusters produced in a burst of star formation. The twisted edge-on spiral on the left (NGC 3808B) seems to be wrapped in the material bridging the galaxies and surrounded by a curious polar ring. Together, the system is known as Arp 87 and morphologically classified, technically, as peculiar. While such interactions are drawn out over billions of years, repeated close passages should ultimately result in the death of one galaxy in the sense that only one galaxy will eventually result. Although this scenario does look peculiar, galactic mergers are thought to be common, with Arp 87 representing a stage in this inevitable process. The Arp 87 pair are about 300 million light-years distant toward the constellation Leo. The prominent edge-on spiral at the far left appears to be a more distant background galaxy and not involved in the on-going merger.

Tomorrow's picture: series cytherean

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
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